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DA-4A empowers indigenous Dumagat communities through leadership training

By Rowena Cruz Dumagat participants engaged in hands-on learning during the Department of Agriculture IV-Calabarzon (DA-4A) Livelihood and D...

By Rowena Cruz

DA-4A empowers indigenous Dumagat communities through leadership training
Dumagat participants engaged in hands-on learning during the Department of Agriculture IV-Calabarzon (DA-4A) Livelihood and Development of Indigenous Peoples (4K) Program's training on Values Formation, Leadership, and Organizational Strengthening for the Dumagat communities in Bordeos and General Nakar, Quezon. (Photo from DA-4A)

GEN. NAKAR, Quezon - The Department of Agriculture IV-Calabarzon (DA-4A) Livelihood and Development of Indigenous Peoples (4K) Program recently conducted a two-part Training on Values Formation, Leadership, and Organizational Strengthening for the Dumagat communities in Bordeos and General Nakar, Quezon. The first training took place in Bordeaux on April 25-26, and the second in General Nakar on May 2-3.

The training aimed to equip the indigenous participants with essential skills for the effective initiation, management, and leadership of their respective organizations. Topics covered included the characteristics of a model leader and member, as well as strategies for organizational development and strengthening. Participants also learned about sustainable agricultural practices, resource management, and income-generating opportunities.

During the training, DA-4A staff engaged in open dialogue with the Dumagat participants to better understand their needs and concerns regarding the development of their farms. This collaborative approach ensured that the training content was relevant and responsive to the specific challenges faced by the communities.

“The DA-4A 4K Program is committed to assisting indigenous communities in improving their livelihoods and ensuring food security,” stated Antonio Zara, the 4K Program Focal Person. “By empowering them with knowledge and skills, we hope to see the Dumagat people thrive and cultivate the lands within their ancestral domains.”

Chieftain Mabeline Peñamante, a participant from the Bordeaux community, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the department’s support. “This training has renewed our hope in farming,” she said. “With the guidance and resources provided by DA-4A, we are confident in our ability to improve our agricultural practices and create a more sustainable future for our community.”

The DA-4A 4K Program recognizes the unique knowledge and traditions of indigenous communities like the Dumagat. By working hand-in-hand with these communities, the program aims to promote culturally sensitive and sustainable development initiatives that empower indigenous peoples to take charge of their own futures.

This training is just one of the many ways in which DA-4A is supporting the Dumagat communities in Calabarzon. The department is also providing technical assistance, agricultural inputs, and market linkages to help these communities improve their livelihoods and achieve greater self-sufficiency.

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